Israeli Website Posts Interviews with Messianic Jews on Front Page

Israeli Website Posts Interviews with Messianic Jews on Front Page

The second largest internet website in Israel is taking an unprecedented step in posting testimonies about Jesus from Messianic Jews.

According to Breaking Christian News, Walla!, the mainstream Israeli network, decided to post the interviews after they noticed the popularity of video clips about Jesus produced by the Israel College of the Bible (ICB). Walla! then asked the ICB if they would produce a series about Jesus for Walla!’s site.

Topics which are being discussed on the website include “Who are these Messianic Jews,” “What is the difference between Messianic Judaism and Christianity,” and “Isaiah 53.”

Amazingly, Walla! has also decided to post the videos on the front page of the website, so they are sure to reach many people.

Eitan Bar, one of the Messianic Jews who is being interviewed for Walla!’s videos, asked for prayer for this opportunity they have been given.

“Please pray for us and for all of the Messianic Jews in Israel. We know that there will be unyielding opposition,” he said.

Bar also offered some ideas for Christians who want to help promote the videos.

"Use your blogs and websites to link to the Messianic websites being promoted by Walla!. This really helps as it increases exposure to these sites and raises the sites rating on Google’s search engine. When Israelis search for keywords in Hebrew like 'Yeshua the Messiah', 'New Testament', 'Jesus of Nazareth' or 'Messianic Jews' they will be pointed to the Hebrew websites where they will be able to learn more about who Jesus really is, rather than to the many anti-Messiah, deceitful websites, some even denying that Jesus ever existed!"

Breaking Christian News provides the two websites which are being promoted by the series:

Photo courtesy: Wikipedia

Publication date: December 15, 2015