Jerusalem: Ancient Tombs Damaged in Arson Attack

Jerusalem: Ancient Tombs Damaged in Arson Attack

Two historically significant tombs have been damaged in what is believed to be an arson attack outside Jerusalem’s Old City, according to

The tombs are from the period of the Second Temple and are the resting places of Absalom, one of the sons of Israel’s King David and Jehoshaphat, another king of Israel. They are located at the base of the Mount of Olives and archaeologists believe they date back to the first century B.C.

The fire reportedly was lit around 4:15 p.m. on Friday. Authorities have not identified any suspects in the arson attack.

Assaf Avraham, who is in charge of the national park surrounding the Old City’s walls, said that the fire "caused damage to values of [historic] heritage and archaeological gems of great value."

"We will act to the extent of our abilities with law enforcement, including the police, to find those responsible and bring them to justice,” he added.

Three other arson attacks were carried out in East Jerusalem on Friday night, but authorities do not believe there is any connection between these incidents and the fire set to the tombs.


Photo courtesy: Wikipedia

Publication date: November 14, 2016