Judge Overturns Alabama Law Requiring Doctors Performing Abortion to Have Hospital Privileges

Judge Overturns Alabama Law Requiring Doctors Performing Abortion to Have Hospital Privileges

The Alabama law that required doctors performing abortions to have privileges at local hospitals was ruled unconstitutional. Judge Myron Thompson declared that the law forced an “undue burden” on women who were planning to undergo the procedure. 

Life News reports that the law would have closed the doors of three out of five abortion clinics in the state if it had not been overturned. 

Operation Rescue President Troy Newman was outraged by the decision. “Following Thompson’s flawed logic, he would rather keep open an abortion facility open – even if it was the likes of Kermit Gosnell and his filthy ‘House of Horrors’ – than close an abortion facility, no matter how dangerous it is for women. This puts the fabricated ‘right’ of an abortionist to operate whatever kind of shoddy, dangerous back-alley business he wants above the lives and health of women. This ruling must be appealed by the state in the interest of protecting women from substandard practices that endanger their lives every day,” he said. 

After Operation Rescue documented breaches of protocol at multiple clinics including failure to properly sanitize, refusal to see patients suffering complications and permitting untrained staff to perform procedures, many hoped that the new law would taken effect. 

Publication date: August 5, 2014