Katy Perry Says God Spoke to Her before Super Bowl Performance

Katy Perry Says God Spoke to Her before Super Bowl Performance

Internationally renowned pop singer Katy Perry performed the Super Bowl halftime show for over 100 million viewers. Perry now says that she prepared for her performance with prayer and received a message from God before the show. 

Perry, the daughter of two pastors, said, "I over prepared myself and did a lot of prayer and meditation” to ready herself for the performance. 

She told E! News’ Ryan Seacrest, "It's funny, I was praying and I got a word from God and He says, 'You got this and I got you.' And then I was on top of the lion and a guy, a random guy, just looked on me with a headset that I've never communicated with before and he just looked me straight in the eyes and said, 'You got this.' And I was like, 'Oh, this is God confirming I can do this."

Fox News reports Perry quoted Psalm 118:24 on social media on the day of the Super Bowl.  

"Today is the day that the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it," the singer posted to her Twitter account. 

Perry has said in the past that she does not identify herself as a Christian but believes in God and prayer. 

Publication date: February 10, 2015