Kenyan Church Leaders Seek Protection From Islamist Attacks

  • Religion Today
  • Published Apr 05, 2012
Kenyan Church Leaders Seek Protection From Islamist Attacks

April 6, 2012

After suspected Islamists threw a grenade into an outdoor Christian worship service near Mombasa earlier this week, killing two and wounding more than 30, Kenyan church leaders are pleading with the government for protection, International Christian Concern reports. Attacks toward Christians have become increasingly frequent in frequent months, and Christians "are not happy [with the protection given by the government]," said Patrick Muchiri, pastor of the Mombasa Pentecostal Church. "All the political leaders in the area are Muslims. Not a single Muslim leader came to show empathy. We are not considered as being part of the community. [Christians] are marginalized." In a personal message to the Kenyan government, Muchiri said: "It is important for [the Kenyan government] to uphold the freedom of worship. When people are attacked because of their religion, the government should take that seriously. Such attacks undermine the fundamental principles of freedom of worship and create fear among Christians about meeting [for worship]."