Kevin Sorbo: Hollywood is 'Waking Up' to Christian Film Industry

Kevin Sorbo: Hollywood is 'Waking Up' to Christian Film Industry

Actor Kevin Sorbo, of “God’s Not Dead” fame, recently opened up about Hollywood’s slow acceptance of faith-based film. In an interview with The Gospel Herald, Sorbo said that Christian movies are improving, and Hollywood is starting to take notice. 

“I think that most people would agree that faith-based movies back in the 70's, 80's, and even the 90's were very cheesy, poorly written, and poorly acted,” Sorbo said. “A lot of people were turned off by them, because they were also too preachy. We live in a world where people don't want to be told what to believe in and what not to believe in.” 

However, the quality of faith-based films have improved both in production and in talent.  

Sorbo said, “The biggest change in the faith-based film industry is that the writing has gotten so much better, and there is now talent on both sides of the camera.” 

Another recent change in Hollywood is the way Christians are being accepted in the film industry, according to Sorbo.

“More people are coming out and not being afraid to say they're Christian; I don't know why in Hollywood you have to be afraid to say you're a Christian, but there's a lot of bashing of Christians going on over the last decade.” 

Sorbo said, “Hollywood is slowly waking up—there's an audience out there, and the independent film world is well aware of it. You can see that they're filling a void for people, because there are so many things on primetime television that are so crass you don't want your children watching. People are looking for entertainment that can touch them and move them. I love to see what's going on right now, it's great.” 

Publication date: April 7, 2016