Korean-American Aid Worker Held by Chinese Authorities

Korean-American Aid Worker Held by Chinese Authorities

A Christian Korean-American aid worker has reportedly been detained in China while working on a project at the border of China and North Korea. Peter Hahn, 73, holds United States citizenship and has been running NGOs in China for twenty years. 

Hahn was questioned for by authorities for six hours regarding embezzlement suspicions. He is now being held in detention but has not yet been officially charged with any crimes. 

Earlier this year, Hahn’s China office was raided by authorities and his computer, car, passport and other documents were confiscated. 

Hahn’s wife, Eunice, believes that the detention is the government’s way of interfering with foreign NGOs. 

"I feel that the Chinese government doesn't want foreign NGOs working on North Korea anymore," she said.

Hahn’s lawyer Zhang Peihong said the allegations against his client were “groundless” and “impossible to stand up.” 

Publication date: November 21, 2014