Laos: Christian Families Evicted From Land Refuse to Leave Faith

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Jun 27, 2013
Laos: Christian Families Evicted From Land Refuse to Leave Faith

Local authorities have taken the citizenship and farmland of six Christian families in Laos, promising to reinstate them only when the 16 people give up their Christian faith, Voice of the Martyrs reports. In December, authorities and village party members confiscated the registration papers of the families, saying they would be returned if they renounced their faith. Next, they also took the deeds to their land. On May 7, when two Christian leaders attempted to intercede for the families with the vice president of the Patriotic Front, they were told that return of the registration papers and the land deeds was contingent on the families renouncing their faith. The families said, "We are willing to die rather than renounce our faith." Voice of the Martyrs is helping the believers with food and fuel.