Lawmakers Introduce Interstate Abortion Notification Bill

  • Religion Today
  • Published Feb 19, 2013
Lawmakers Introduce Interstate Abortion Notification Bill

Sens. Marco Rubio, Mitch McConnell and Orrin Hatch introduced a bill in mid-February that would give states the right to enforce parental notification laws across state lines, WORLD News Service reports. The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act would make it illegal to transport a minor to another state for an abortion in an attempt to circumvent notification laws in the child's home state. It also would require abortionists to notify the parents of an out-of-state minor before performing an abortion. "With the rights of parents and the safety of our nation's daughters at risk, Congress must take action to prevent underage abortions by giving states the federal backing necessary to enforce their parental involvement laws," Rubio said in a statement. "These laws allow teenagers to receive the advice and guidance of a loved one before undergoing a procedure for which they may not be medically or emotionally prepared." The bill is co-sponsored by 16 Republican senators, and Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen sponsored a House version of the bill. During the last legislative session, the bill gathered 172 co-sponsors in the House but didn’t have enough support to pass. Pro-life groups applauded Rubio and the other sponsors, saying the bill would close a loophole exposing girls to exploitation and abuse. "Today, schools most notify and obtain consent from parents before children receive aspirin," said Susan B. Anthony List president Marjorie Dannenfelser. "It is ludicrous that parents would be prevented from involvement in decision making about an invasive and life-changing surgery like abortion."