LGBT, Occupy DC Groups Set to Protest National Prayer Breakfast

  • Religion Today
  • Published Feb 01, 2012
LGBT, Occupy DC Groups Set to Protest National Prayer Breakfast

February 1, 2012

Two groups are scheduled to protest the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., tomorrow morning -- GetEQUAL, a gay rights group and Occupy DC, the Christian Post reports. The National Prayer Breakfast, held on the first Thursday of every February, attracts top leaders, including the president, legislators, lobbyists and business executives. GetEQUAL said it would be protesting the event to raise awareness of LGBT "hate" and "persecution," and Occupy DC protesters said they would be there to object to the event's "exclusivity" and catering to the "1 percent." President Barack Obama is scheduled to attend this year's event, along with many members of Congress.