Live Action Claims Twitter Banned Their Pro-Life Ads

Live Action Claims Twitter Banned Their Pro-Life Ads

The president of Live Action, a pro-life organization, says that Twitter doesn’t allow pro-life advocates to promote certain paid advertising that Twitter deems “hate content.”

“I think it’s clear that Twitter is discriminating against the pro-life voice,”Rose said. “Planned Parenthood is allowed to promote their pro-abortion and misleading messages, while Live Action is barred from promoting any content exposing abortion and Planned Parenthood.”

Rose said that Twitter no longer allows Live Action to advertise on the social media site because of its repeated violations.

Those violations include tweets that Twitter ad bots and the Twitter sales team deemed unacceptable.

One tweet, from Rose’s personal account, said Planned Parenthood “about abortion, not women’s health care.” The tweet then linked to an all-text video that questioned Planned Parenthood’s health care services.

Other tweets that were flagged included a video that fact-checked Planned Parenthood Federation of American President Cecile Richards, a map of the United States showing the locations of women’s health centers other than Planned Parenthood and Rose saying: “Because a person’s a person, no matter how small.”

Twitter’s policy prohibits “inflammatory content, which is likely to evoke a strong negative reaction or cause harm.”

A spokesman for Twitter told The Washington Times that the company does not consider ideology when considering its policy.

“Twitter has clear, transparent rules that every advertiser is required to follow,” the spokesperson said, “and the political viewpoints of an organization do not impact how these rules are applied.”

In order to get approval to start advertising again, Twitter has said that Live Action must delete any “sensitive content” from its Twitter feed or create a new handle.


Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/RomoloTavani

Publication date: June 29, 2017