MA Churches Sue after Being Forced to Accommodate Transgender People

MA Churches Sue after Being Forced to Accommodate Transgender People

Four churches in Massachusetts are filing a federal lawsuit against the Massachusetts Commission against Discrimination for allegedly forcing them to accommodate transgenders. reports that the Massachusetts state government is arguing that churches must obey “public accommodation” rules that require them to comply with the “Gender Identity Guidance for Public Accommodation.”

The four churches, Horizon Christian fellowship, Abundant Life Church, House of Destiny Ministries, and Faith Christian Fellowship, argue that the the government is violating their religious freedom.

Religious liberty is the cornerstone upon which our country was founded," stated Christiana Holcomb of Alliance Defending Freedom, the organization defending the churches. "And if churches don't have First Amendment freedoms, I'm not sure who does."

Alliance Defending Freedom is also arguing that the state’s mandate that churches cannot “discriminate” against LGBT people is in actuality an attempt to police churches’ views on sexuality.

OneNewsNow notes that this breach of religious liberty is ironic given that Massachusetts was the home of Puritan settlers who came there to have religious freedom. Now, however, Massachusetts is the most liberal state in the country.


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Publication date: October 12, 2016