March for Life Expects 500,000 Participants on Roe v. Wade Anniversary

March for Life Expects 500,000 Participants on Roe v. Wade Anniversary

About 500,000 people are expected to rally today in the 42nd March for Life at the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

This week, the New York Times printed an unsigned editorial about the abortion advocates, “A Perilous year for Abortion Rights.”

The editorial said: “The start of 2015 finds no letup in the attacks on a woman’s constitutionally protected right to make her own childbearing decisions.”

All this comes as pro-life legislatures have passed laws requiring abortion doctors to have local hospital privileges. The new laws also require that abortion clinics bring their clinics to the level of surgical centers, which can be expensive.

“Defenders of abortion rights have had their hands full trying to block or at least minimize new restrictive laws, totaling 231, according to the Guttmacher Institute, exceeding the total for the entire previous decade.”

Thursday, Jan. 22 is also the 42nd anniversary of legalized abortion in the U.S. According to, there have been about 57 million abortions.

Guttmatcher said abortions declined in 2011 in a report released last year. The CDC also released a report in 2014 saying that from 2010 to 2011, reported abortions dropped 5 percent.

The decrease means that about seven million more babies are alive today because of the drop in abortions.

“Despite the seeming precision, this is not an exact number,” LifeNews said in its report. “No such number is possible. There will always be missed abortions, missed abortionists. Adjustments, however careful, will always be imprecise. But given the data we have, we feel it is reasonable to assume that we have now seen at least 57 million lives lost since Roe.”

Publication date: January 22, 2015