Marco Rubio Gains Key Endorsements Right before Nevada Caucuses

  • Updated Feb 23, 2016
Marco Rubio Gains Key Endorsements Right before Nevada Caucuses

Republican presidential candidate Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has received endorsements from well-known Republicans right before the Nevada Republican caucuses.

Fox News reports that Rubio received an outpouring of endorsements from leading Republicans who are looking to him to beat billionaire businessman and frontrunner Donald Trump.

Among those who endorsed Rubio on Monday are Senate Majority Leader and one-time presidential candidate Bob Dole, Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty.

“What’s happened here is that a lot of mainstream Republicans realize if they want to stop Trump, their best bet is Marco Rubio, even over Ted Cruz,” GOP strategist Ford O’Connell told The Washington Times.

Rubio is looking to gain an edge on Trump in today’s Nevada caucuses. The endorsements come after Trump won in the South Carolina Republican primary. 

Rubio is vying with Cruz for second place in the Nevada polls. Cruz’s campaign recently had a setback when a Cruz spokesman posted a false story which claimed that Rubio said there were “Not many answers” in the Bible. In reality, Rubio said that the Bible contained all the answers needed in life.

With Jeb Bush suspending his campaign and the Cruz campaign currently being questioned for their integrity, Rubio is in a prime position, many establishment Republicans believe.

"I just feel that Rubio is the more serious candidate,” stated Bob Dole. "Now that my good friend Jeb Bush is no longer running, I'm supporting Rubio," Dole added.

Results from the Nevada caucuses will likely not be in until at least nine p.m. PST, so much of the East Coast will not hear the results until Wednesday.

Publication date: February 23, 2016