Marie Claire Writer Argues the Film, TV Industry Should Show 'More Parents Having Abortions'

Marie Claire Writer Argues the Film, TV Industry Should Show 'More Parents Having Abortions'

A writer with the fashion magazine Marie Claire said in a recent article that she'd like to see the film and television industry depict "more parents having abortions."

Danielle Campoamor wrote in the July article that most women who have abortions are already parents, not the typical teens presented in movies and TV.

"One of the main ways that people learn about information and experiences is through television and film, particularly when it comes to sex and healthcare, given that we don't have a nationwide comprehensive sexual health education program," says Renee Bracey Sherman, executive director of We Testify.

"The majority of people who have abortions are already parenting, but on television and film, it's nearly always someone young, white, and wealthy who is trying to avoid parenting. But that's a very small minority of people who have abortions. This fails those of us who have abortions because it doesn't allow for audiences to stretch their imaginations, empathize with our fictionalized experiences, and learn something outside of the same stereotypical narrative."

In response, Pro-life advocate Lila Rose, who also serves as president of the pro-life activism group Live Action, said the article seems to falsely assert that abortion is "empowering."

"It's a real tragedy to see Marie Claire now saying, 'It's not enough! We need to promote more abortion even to the point where now we need to see parents who already have born children, considering an abortion,'" Rose told CBN News.

"And that's what this article is about; it's saying having teen girls have abortions isn't enough to destigmatize this atrocious act; we need to also be promoting parents in film who already have other children," she continued.

Rose is the author of the book, Fighting for Life: Becoming a Force for Change in a Wounded World.

According to Marie Claire, a study about abortion representation on television and in movies, published by Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH) in December 2020, found that there was an overall decrease in abortion plotlines on television. In 2019, 43 television shows included an abortion storyline, while in 2020, only 31 shows featured a character who underwent the procedure.

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Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.