Maryland Ushers in New Year With Same-Sex Ceremonies

  • Religion Today
  • Published Jan 02, 2013
Maryland Ushers in New Year With Same-Sex Ceremonies

As the clock hit midnight on the East Coast and many celebrated the new year, homosexuals observed the occasion by hosting same-sex ceremonies in Baltimore's City Hall, the Christian News Network reports. Maryland's gay "marriage" law took effect Jan. 1 -- the last of three states to make the legislation official after approving the practice on Election Day -- and approximately 14 people arrived at City Hall at midnight to mark the occasion. Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake officiated some of the ceremonies, as well as designee Jason Caton, and at the end of each ceremony, individuals were pronounced as "lawfully married" instead of "husband and wife." Homosexuals were able to obtain licenses beginning Dec. 6, though the law recognizing the relationships did not go into effect until Jan. 1. Maine officially began issuing licenses Dec. 29, and approximately 28 people turned out at midnight to be among the first. Washington state had already begun issuing licenses several weeks after Election Day.