Massachusetts Church Claims God is a Woman, Will Host ‘Drag Gospel’ Festival

Massachusetts Church Claims God is a Woman, Will Host ‘Drag Gospel’ Festival

A Massachusetts church is planning a “Drag Gospel” event, and welcoming people of all walks of life to attend.

Charisma News reports that First Church Somerville United Church of Christ will host the event for two days in October. During the festivities, the church will become “Fierce Church Somerville,” according to Pastor James Adams, also known as “Serenity Jones.”

The festival proclaims that God can be a “diva” and a “girl,” and includes dressing up and using creativity, artistic and musical talent, and fashion to praise God.

“What do drag queens or drag kings have to do with Jesus or the gospel? We at FCS believe 'God don't make no junk,'" Adams writes. "So whether you are straight, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgendered or still playing hard to get, Jesus loves you and so do we! Amen, baby! So come and get yours at this here church!"

Adams goes on to say that the “Drag Gospel” event is the church’s way of demonstrating the radical welcome Jesus offered to all kinds of people.

The event will begin with a benefit concert and drag show, funds from which will go to the LGBT Asylum Task Force. Adams, as Jones, will perform in costume at the event. Adams will also preach on Sunday dressed in his full drag attire. 

Charisma News writer Jennifer LeClaire warns Christians to reject this perversion.

“It's up to us to stand in the gap. It's up to us to make up the hedge. It's up to us to weep between the porch and the altar. It's up to us to pray without ceasing. It's up to us to decree and declare God's will on the earth. It's up to us to speak the truth in love. It's up to us to take the gospel to our city. Yes, I believe it will grow darker and the perversion will rise, but I believe the glory of the Lord will rise and shine upon us again if we are faithful to obey His commands,” writes LeClaire.

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Publication date: October 30, 2015