Megachurch Pastor Rick Cole Pledges to Live on the Street Until $100,000 is Raised for Homeless

Megachurch Pastor Rick Cole Pledges to Live on the Street Until $100,000 is Raised for Homeless

Megachurch pastor Rick Cole has pledged that he will live on the streets of Sacramento for two weeks or until he can raise $100,000 for homeless people in the area. Cole plans to fund a program called Winter Sanctuary which houses the homeless in churches during winter months and provides meals. 

Cole is the pastor of the 4,000-member Capital Christian Center; he also serves as chairman for the nonprofit Sacramento Steps Forward, the group which organized Winter Sanctuary.

The pastor says that he intend to help people with his radical move. 

"The ultimate goal is there are some hurting people, really hurting and we're taught by God to help 'em. Go to them, make a difference. When you do this to the least if these Jesus said you done it to me. You want to get close to Jesus get close to some hurting people and when you help 'em in His name then you've just touched him in the most profound way," Cole said.

So far, Cole’s has raised $21,509 for the project. To follow his progress or to donate, visit

Publication date: September 30, 2014