Men Acquitted of Charges after Disrupting Joel Osteen Sermon

Men Acquitted of Charges after Disrupting Joel Osteen Sermon

Four of six men who were accused of heckling megachurch pastor Joel Osteen while he preached a sermon have been acquitted. reports that last summer the six men from the Church of Wells--a controversial church many have called a fundamentalist cult--heckled Osteen while he delivered a sermon.

The men reportedly called Osteen, who is the pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, a “liar” and a “false prophet,” and accused him of leading people astray with his theology.

The six men were arrested and given a criminal trial for trespassing and “disrupting a meeting or procession.”

The charges against four of the six men, however, were recently dropped, while the charges against the remaining two are still pending.

Members of the Church of Wells are known for engaging in confrontational street preaching and have been accused of false theology themselves.

Publication date: June 27, 2016