Meriam Ibrahim Reported Safe at U.S. Embassy in Sudan

Meriam Ibrahim Reported Safe at U.S. Embassy in Sudan

Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese Christian formerly imprisoned on apostasy charges, is now safely at the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum, under the protection of officials. 

Ibrahim’s husband Daniel Wani told the Agence France-Presse that the family is going well and embassy employees had treated them well. The Guardian reports that the facility is heavily guarded.

The family, including two young children, have been under the protection of embassy officials since their arrival Thursday. Previously the family had been detained at a Sudan airport by 40 security agents when they tried to leave the country for the United States; Wani has held American citizenship since 2005. 

An envoy of the U.S. state department urged Sudanese officials to release the family in order “to depart as swiftly as possible from Sudan.” State department authorities have offered their assistance in the transition. 

Publication date: June 27, 2014