Meriam Ibrahim's Death Sentence Sparks #SaveMeriam Campaign

Meriam Ibrahim's Death Sentence Sparks #SaveMeriam Campaign

Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman sentenced to death for refusing to renounce her Christian faith, gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Maya on May 27; the child was born in a Khartoum prison. In response, well over 1 million advocates have signed petitions and used the hashtag #SaveMeriam to demand Ibrahim’s release from prison and pardon from sentencing.

According to Christianity Today, an Amnesty International campaign has gained 620,000 appeals to the Sudan government, and petitions from and the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLU) have obtained almost 800,000 signatures together.

Ibrahim’s husband, American citizen Daniel Wani has not been permitted to see his wife, 20-month-old son, and newborn daughter.

“We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Ibrahim and her baby are reportedly in good health; however we urge the authorities to ensure the Mrs. Ibrahim’s husband and lawyers are granted access to see them both, and that mother and baby are granted the appropriate medical attention,” said a Christian Solidarity Worldwide Statement.

Human rights advocates all over the globe have come to Ibrahim’s side, arguing that she is not guilty of any crime, but “convicted solely because of her religious beliefs and identity,” writes the Amnesty International letter of action.


Publication date: May 28, 2014