Michael Brown: on Why Christians Should Not Support Donald Trump

Michael Brown: on Why Christians Should Not Support Donald Trump

Christians should not support Donald Trump as the Republican candidate, Michael Brown, who hosts The Line of Fire talk radio show, writes in a column.

The column, which appeared in Charisma News, raises the question of whether, if the race were down to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Brown would support Trump.

“I do not see how we can if the Word of God is to be our guide and if it's important to us that a candidate have a solid moral compass and a biblically based worldview—and I mean to be our president, not our spiritual leader, since we are electing a president, not a pastor or priest,” Brown writes.

He adds that Trump has a “consistent pattern of reckless speech,” including a “character assault” on Ben Carson and New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski.

Trump compared Carson to a child molester, Brown said, and recently, he mocked the disability of Kovaleski, a disability that affects his arm flexibility.

"Now the poor guy, you've got to see this guy," Trump said and then flailed his arm to mock Kovaleski. 

“We need a statesman, not an irresponsible flame thrower, and one can be a strong political leader who is cutting and fearless with words—think of Winston Churchill—without making a fool of oneself,” Brown said.

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Publication date: December 1, 2015