Mike Pence Shares Story of Personal Faith in Effort to Sway More Evangelicals

Mike Pence Shares Story of Personal Faith in Effort to Sway More Evangelicals

The U.S. presidential election is only four days away, and both sides are stepping up their last minute efforts to convince voters.

The Republican campaign is releasing a video of vice-presidential candidate Mike Pence sharing his personal Christian testimony.

According to ChristianToday.com, the campaign hopes the video will be aired in thousands of churches around the country this Sunday.

Pence describes himself as "a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.”

In the video, the Indiana governor goes into more detail regarding his faith. He says he was raised in a Christian family, but didn’t make a personal decision to follow Christ until college.

"That night my heart was literally broken wide with gratitude and with joy when I came to realise that what happened on the cross in some small measure actually happened for me. And I know all of you in the room share that same passion and that same sense of gratitude for what was done on our behalf,” he shared.

"Years later, my faith has been tested, relied on more times than I could possibly count. All I know today is that I need Him more than ever, and he's really the centre of my life and the centre of my family's life,” he continued.

Pence then went on to say that he believes Donald Trump is the leader America needs. He added that Trump will "appoint justices to the Supreme Court who will uphold our constitution and the rights of the unborn" and will repeal the Johnson Amendment, which “threatens tax-exempt organisations and churches with losing their tax status if they speak out on important issues from the pulpit.”

Clinton is still leading Trump in most polls in key states, but he is closing in on her lead. It is yet to be seen what effect her continued email scandal will have on her campaign.


Photo courtesy: Wikipedia

Publication date: November 4, 2016