Military Gains Control of Thailand in Coup

Military Gains Control of Thailand in Coup

Thailand’s military has officially overthrown the government, the 19th coup in the nation in 82 years.

A missionary from the PIONEERS organization said, “It was, and still remains to be, a really volatile situation. The general who enacted martial law actually called together the heads of the different political parties: it looks like he’s going to try and push these folks forward to come to a resolution to the political crisis.”

However, the mission worker was confident that the ministry would be able to continue its work.

“As my friends and neighbors begin to question some of the foundational things in their thinking and their society, it definitely lends itself to deeper conversation. What an amazing opportunity to share the Good News of the Kingdom of God,” he said.

“Ultimately, I do not believe that a political solution is going to meet the felt needs of people’s hearts, mind, and spirits. They need the Kingdom of God; they need to know Jesus.”

Thailand is divided by two political parties known as “red shirts,” or rural people and “yellow shirts,” the urban anti-government citizens. Political unrest has continued since 2006 when Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was overthrown.

“It would be a great blessing for the nation of Thailand if the current political situation could be resolved without bloodshed,” the PIONEER worker said.


Publication date: May 23, 2014