Mom Wakes Up From Coma to Find She's Had Her Baby

Mom Wakes Up From Coma to Find She's Had Her Baby

A Tennessee woman has woken up from a coma, to the surprise of doctors. Sharisa Giles, 20, fell into a coma in December 2014 after being involved in a car accident. 

Giles was five months pregnant at the time. 

ABC News reports doctors were forced to deliver the baby in January while Giles was unconscious. The premature baby boy weighed less than two pounds at birth, but its growing and now weighs six pounds, four ounces. 

Giles opened her eyes on Wednesday (April 8) and was able to what was happening around her with her eyes and squeezing family members’ hands. 

Giles’ mother, Beverly Giles said that the family continued to hope for her recovery, though doctors did not believe she would wake up from the coma. 

"The doctors were telling us there was nothing else they could do. They already gave up hope. We never gave up. She's fought this hard,” she said. 

The young woman’s father showed her a picture of her baby boy who is currently gaining strength at the University of Tennessee Medical Center. 

"He showed her a picture of her baby, and she followed the picture," Giles said. "When he turned around to put it back on the bulletin board, she turned her neck, her whole head trying to follow and find the picture again."

Publication date: April 9, 2015