More Evidence of Dollars for Dead Babies

More Evidence of Dollars for Dead Babies
The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) continues to turn the abortion industry upside down with its video series on the sale of aborted baby body parts.
Though abortion provider Planned Parenthood has argued it does not profit from the sale of fetal remains and is merely reimbursed for the time and cost of harvesting them, CMP has evidence to the contrary from both ends of the aborted baby body parts supply chain.
In new footage released this morning, a Planned Parenthood abortionist talks with undercover journalists about how to skirt laws against selling fetal remains. The latest video comes less than 24 hours after a judge temporarily ordered CMP not to release any video of employees from StemExpress, a company that buys baby body parts from Planned Parenthood.
In a video CMP released Tuesday, a former StemExpress employee talked about her experience collecting fetal tissue at a Planned Parenthood abortion facility. She said a manager at the facility encouraged the successful collection of baby body parts, taking the position that, “Planned Parenthood needs compensation.”
The video also showed documents from StemExpress in which it promised financial benefit to facilities that participated in its tissue-collection program.
StemExpress supplies biological specimens to research institutions. In its lawsuit against CMP, StemExpress accuses the pro-life group of violating California wiretapping laws by making clandestine recordings of its employees. A judge Wednesday ordered CMP not to release a video allegedly taken in May during a restaurant meeting with high-ranking StemExpress officials until an Aug. 19 court hearing on the matter.
“The Center for Medical Progress follows all applicable laws in the course of our investigative journalism work and will contest all attempts from Planned Parenthood and their allies to silence our First Amendment rights and suppress investigative journalism,” CMP said in a statement in response to the court order.
As CMP wrangles in court with a buyer of baby remains, its latest video reveals a person who works for the supplier, Planned Parenthood, knew the company’s practices were potentially illegal. At one point in a conversation with Dr. Savita Ginde, medical director of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, the actors posing as fetal tissue buyers bring up the topic.
“So it could look like we’re paying you for specimens, so let’s talk about it correctly,” the actor says as Ginde nods and says, “Mm-hm,” in agreement.
“We all know that, yes, that’s what we’re doing,” the actor continues.
“So, processing and time,” Ginde interjects. She and the buyers go on to talk about the need for Planned Parenthood facilities to follow similar procedures to account for the sale of fetal tissue. 
“Because if you have someone in a really anti state that’s going to be doing this for you, they’re probably going to get caught,” Ginde says. She goes on to talk about how Planned Parenthood’s lawyer, Kevin Paul, helps keep the organization out of legal trouble.
“He’s got it figured out that he knows that even if, because we talked to him in the beginning, you know, we were like, ‘We don’t want to get called on,’ you know, ‘selling fetal parts across states,’” Ginde says.
The video released this morning included other startling revelations from Planned Parenthood, including:
  • Ginde suggests Planned Parenthood might be willing to sell the body of a miscarried infant. “Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for a procedure, then we are intact,” Ginde says.
  • The actors emphasize that the cost to Planned Parenthood to harvest the organs is minimal, increasing the organization’s financial gain. “Your cost is negligent,” the actor says to Ginde, who does not disagree.
  • The actors witness workers dissecting an aborted baby. “It’s a baby,” Dr. Ginde says, as workers probe through broken bits of skull, a foot, and a heart. Toward the end of the video, a medical assistant says, “And another boy!”


Courtesy: WORLD News Service

Publication date: August 3, 2015