Mormon Attorney Faces Excommunication for Advocating the Ordination of Women

Mormon Attorney Faces Excommunication for Advocating the Ordination of Women

An international human rights lawyer, who is also a Mormon, is facing excommunication for advocating the ordination of women. Kate Kelly is founder of Ordained Women and has been on a mission since 2013 to confront gender inequality in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Kelly was recently informed by the bishop of her congregation in Virginia that that she is to appear for a disciplinary hearing to discuss her removal from the fold.

“Disciplining arbitrarily and unfairly one person is not going to stop this movement,” Kelly told The Blaze.

Church officials maintain Kelly’s group is not representative of a majority Mormons.

“Some members in effect choose to take themselves out of the church by actively teaching and publicly attempting to change doctrine to comply with their personal beliefs, church leaders said in a statement. “This saddens leaders and fellow members.”

According to Kelly’s website ordination of women would reflect the true equality The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints claims to embrace.

“The fundamental tenets of Mormonism support gender equality: God is male and female, father and mother, and all of us can progress to be like them someday. Priesthood, we are taught, is essential to this process. Ordain Women believes women must be ordained in order for our faith to reflect the equity and expansiveness of these teachings.”

Publication date: June 12, 2014