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Most Muslims Come to Faith through Dreams and Visions, Says Persecuted Christian Convert

Most Muslims Come to Faith through Dreams and Visions, Says Persecuted Christian Convert

A Muslim man who converted to Christianity says that many Muslims are giving their lives to Jesus, and most of them are doing so through dreams and visions, rather than through evangelism.

According to The Christian Post, the Christian convert from the West Bank, identified as Ismail, reportedly had to give everything up when he made the decision to follow Christ.

Ismail has written an article published by Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors. “Most Muslims Come to Faith through Dreams and Visions, not through evangelists,” writes Ismail in the article.

Ismail added that Christianity is viewed very negatively in many Muslim communities. "Some parents tell their kids stories that Christians are not human beings, or that they have tails like devils. That was the time before internet and social media, so we lived more isolated.”

Nevertheless, Ismail developed an interest in the Christian faith. He was fascinated that Christians prayed directly to God as if they had a close relationship with him.

"I told the Lord that I was a sinner and prayed about His love. The words were amazing, but in my heart there was still doubt. The Muslim notion of 'what you don't see doesn't exist' kept me from accepting Christ," he said.

But then Ismail had a dream about Christ. He simply “saw a white face and heard a voice: ‘Follow Me.’”

This vision changed Ismail’s life. He knew Christ was real. But true to Jesus’ words that believing in Him means facing trials and being shunned by the world, Ismail faced many hardships.

"I lost all my status, all my family. I was forced to leave the house. My father told me to leave and never come back again.”

Despite these trials, Ismail remains committed to his faith and knows that the Lord is working in the hearts of many Muslims.

Praise God for this believer! Pray with us that the Holy Spirit would continue to work mightily in the Muslim community.


Publication date: August 31, 2017