Mozilla CEO Steps Down After Employees Attack Traditional Marriage Beliefs

Mozilla CEO Steps Down After Employees Attack Traditional Marriage Beliefs

Co-founder of Mozilla Brendan Eich has stepped down from his position as CEO after only one month on the job. Eich was attacked by employees of the company for his personal views on gay marriage which led to his resignation Thursday reports Christian Today.

Eich’s donation of $1,000 to California’s Proposition 8 ballot measure gained wide publicity in 2012. Prop 8 sought to define legal marriage as between one man and one woman in 2008, but was overturned.

Two days after his appointment as CEO, Eich composed a blog post explaining that his personal beliefs regarding traditional marriage would not affect the company. “I am committed to ensuring that Mozilla is, and will remain, a place that includes and supports everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, economic status, or religion,” he wrote.

Eich made the same argument in an interview with The Guardian. “...I don’t want to talk about my personal beliefs because I kept them out of Mozilla all these 15 years we’ve been going. I don’t believe they’re relevant.”

Still, many Mozilla employees took to social media and urged Eich to step down as CEO.

Executive Chairwoman Mitchell Baker made the public announcement of Eich’s resignation via the company blog.