Muslim-Jewish Clashes Escalate at Temple Mount

Muslim-Jewish Clashes Escalate at Temple Mount

Conflict between Muslims and Jews continues at the Temple Mount during a time of religious significance for both groups.

Christian Today reports that last night police restricted access to the Temple Mount after Palestinian youth threw stones and firecrackers at Israeli police.

Muslims and Jews are vying for control of what both groups view as a holy site in their respective religions. 

The tensions escalated due to the coinciding of the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Succot and the end of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. 

In an effort to combat the conflict taking place at the holy site, police have restricted the site to Muslim men aged over 50 and to all Muslim women. Also, no Jewish visitors are being allowed near the Al-Aqsa mosque, located within the vicinity of the Temple Mount. Non-Muslims are allowed into the compound between 7:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., but they are not allowed to pray in respect for the last day of Eid al-Adha.

Despite the restrictions, Christian Today reports that Palestinian rioters continued to incite clashes between the two groups. 

"Palestinian rioters who couldn't find Jewish visitors to attack on the the Temple Mount, started throwing rocks and firecrackers at the Mughrabi Gate,” Ofir Gendelman, a spokesman for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated. "Israel upholds the status quo on the Temple Mount. Those who violate it are Palestinian rioters who smuggle pipe bombs and firecrackers into it."

Publication date: September 28, 2015