Muslim Man Dies from Injuries Incurred While Protecting Christians

Muslim Man Dies from Injuries Incurred While Protecting Christians

A Muslim man who heroically protected Christians in a terrorist attack in Kenya has died from his injuries.

According to Christian Today, Salah Farah, deputy head of the Mandera township primary school, stood up for Christians when a bus they were on was attacked by al-Shabaab terrorists before Christmas.

The militants told the passengers to separate themselves by their faiths so they could target Christians. However, Farah and several other Muslims told the militants: “Kill us all or leave them alone."  

Farah was shot in the hand and the hip during his heroic efforts. He had been undergoing surgery for his injuries in a hospital in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. He reportedly died while in surgery.

His body is being flown back to Mandera for burial.

Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet said: "We provided a plane to fly the body home to Mandera for burial. This is because the deceased died while trying to shield innocent Kenyans. He is a true hero."

Farah’s brother, Rashid, stated that he hopes his brother’s death in protection of those of another faith will help to bring unity to the country.

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Publication date: January 20, 2016