Naghmeh Abedini Pulls Back from Public Effort to Free Her Husband

Naghmeh Abedini Pulls Back from Public Effort to Free Her Husband

Naghmeh Abedini, wife of imprisoned pastor Saeed Abedini, has said she is taking a step back from public life.

Naghmeh has been very active in lobbying for her husband’s release. She has posted updates on social media, fasted and prayed, and even met with influential leaders in her campaign to get her husband released.

CBN News reports that now Naghmeh has decided to take a break from public life and her campaign of advocacy for her husband.  

According to Christianity Today, Naghmeh has not only been struggling to get her husband released from prison for the past three years, she has also been dealing with what Christianity Today termed “his inner demons.”

In emails to her supporters, Naghmeh revealed that she was struggling with the emotional, physical, psychological, and sexual (through pornography) abuse issues in her marriage

Naghmeh since said she regretted sending the emails and that she did so in a moment of emotional vulnerability and under great stress.

“I am now taking time off to heal and to rest and to spend much needed time with my kids. I would appreciate for those who care about Saeed and our family to give us time for rest and healing and to respect our privacy,” she said.

The American Center for Law and Justice says it remains committed to working for Saeed’s freedom. 

"I will continue to pray for my husband's release and advocate for him as he suffers in an Iranian prison for his Christian faith. I would also ask others to join me in continuing to pray for his release," Naghmeh said in her statement to CBN News.

Publication date: November 13, 2015