Nepal: Human Traffickers Offer to Buy Children for $500 Each

Nepal: Human Traffickers Offer to Buy Children for $500 Each

Human traffickers in Nepal are reportedly offering to pay $500 per child.

A team from two churches in Southern California had visited the village of Armi to help with relief from the earthquake disaster. The 7.8-magnitude earthquake and its aftershocks killed some 8,000 people, Christian Today reports.

"When the earthquake struck, 36 people were killed and every single home was levelled," said Sam Ellis, a youth minister at Church by the Sea in Laguna Beach.

"School is not in session now and traffickers are coming around, offering $500 per child, saying they will find work for the children," Ellis added.

For now, KI Nepal has lookouts at the border watching for trafficked children.

The United Nations estimates that 12,000 to 15,000 girls are trafficked from Nepal each year. Many end up in Indian brothels.

"This is the time when the brokers go in the name of relief to kidnap or lure women. We are distributing assistance to make people aware that someone might come to lure them," said Sunita Danuwar, director of Shakti Samuha, an NGO in Kathmandu. "We are getting reports of [individuals] pretending to go for rescuing and looking at people."

Ellis, however, said despite the hardship of recovery, many Hindu families are receiving Christ.

"Many people came up to me asking for prayer. They are open to Jesus," he said.

Publication date: June 5, 2015