New Hampshire Legislators Vote Down Bills to Protect Unborn Babies

New Hampshire Legislators Vote Down Bills to Protect Unborn Babies

Two pro-life bills were voted down this week in New Hampshire. 

Life News reports a bill that would require doctors to care for babies born alive after botched abortions was defeated in a vote 9-7. According to the House Judiciary Committee, the motion was denied because the state could not legislate medical procedures. 

Republican Representative Kurt Wuelper argued, “There should be a reasonable way to have some amount of protection for those who survive the sentence of abortion.” 

The second bill to be voted down would have banned dismemberment abortions in the state. The procedure involves doctors using tools to removing limbs from babies to remove them from the womb. 

Pro-life legislators argued that the abortion procedure was violent and should be illegal. The bill lost in a narrow 9-8 vote. 

Wuelper grieved the decision, “We have the technology well within our means to do these executions in a humane way.” 

Publication date: February 5, 2016