New Study Reveals Millennials More Skeptical of Church and Media

New Study Reveals Millennials More Skeptical of Church and Media

A new Pew Research Center study has revealed that millennials are becoming more skeptical of religious organizations as well as the news media.

According to Charisma News, the new study revealed that only 55 percent of millennials now believe churches and other religious organizations have a positive impact on the country. That is down from 73 percent in 2010.

Millennials’ views on the media have also undergone a change since research was conducted. In 2010, four in 10 millennials said that the media had a positive impact on the country, compared to only 27 percent now.

Although millennials’ views concerning religious organizations have changed, older generations’ views have not. Older generations also tend to view the media negatively. Only 26 percent of both Generations Xers and members of the Silent Generation, as well as 23 percent of Baby Boomers believe that the media has a positive impact on the country.

However, older generations’’ views on religious organizations have mostly remained the same. 

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Publication date: January 7, 2016