New York’s Gay Marriage Law Claims First Casualty

  • Updated Aug 02, 2011
New York’s Gay Marriage Law Claims First Casualty

According to WORLD News Service a town clerk in upstate New York, Laura Fotusky, resigned her position rather than compromise her religious belief that marriage should be between a man and a woman. “There was no protection provided in (New York’s) legislation for town clerks unable to sign these marriage licenses due to personal religious convictions,” Fotusky said. “I had to choose between my job and my God.”  New York legalized same-sex marriage in June. On July 24 the law takes effect and obligates town clerks to officiate same-sex marriage. The law provides protection for religious professionals, such as pastors, but fails to protect common citizens who morally disagree with the law. Clerks who refuse service to same-sex couples can be sued.