New York Seminary Professors Return to Work Pending Negotiations

New York Seminary Professors Return to Work Pending Negotiations

Eight professors from New York’s General Theological Seminary (GTS) have been invited to return to work pending further negotiations. 

The professors went on strike in September, claiming that the GTS dean, Very Rev. Kurt Dunkle, had created an environment “fraught with conflict, fear, and anxiety.” According to the “GTS Eight,” Dunkle had made sexual, racist and anti-gay comments as well. 

The professors have now agreed to return to GTS on the terms that negotiations will take place, mediated by a neutral party. 

Christian Today reports that the GTS eight are seeking a “long-term process of reconciliation” at the seminary. 

The pastors wrote in a letter to Bishop Mark Sisk, the chair of GTS’ board of trustees, "We also commit with energy to the holy work of reconciliation which we understand to be very important for the health of the entire institution and all of its constituent members: faculty, board, administration, staff and students alike.”

Publication date: October 23, 2014