Nigeria: Bomb Blast in Kaduna Leaves At Least Eight Dead

  • Religion Today
  • Published Dec 09, 2011
Nigeria: Bomb Blast in Kaduna Leaves At Least Eight Dead

December 10, 2011

A bomb blast rocked Kaduna, Nigeria, last week, leaving at least eight dead and many badly injured and causing extreme damage to properties and businesses, Christian Solidarity Worldwide reports. Eyewitnesses reported that the bombers were on motorcycles and heading toward a busy trading area when the explosion occurred. The Kaduna State police commissioner attributed the explosion to gas cylinders and batteries in the shops, but locals insist it was a bomb -- shops in the area don't sell gas and a battery explosion would not have caused such extensive damage. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, but there are suspicions that the radical Islamist group Boko Haram may have been involved, said Andrew Johnston, advocacy director for CSW.