Nigeria: Catholic Church in Kaduna Hit in Suicide Bomb Attack

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Oct 29, 2012
Nigeria: Catholic Church in Kaduna Hit in Suicide Bomb Attack

At least seven people were killed and dozens were injured in a suicide bombing Sunday (Oct. 28) during Mass at a Catholic church in northern Nigeria, ASSIST News Service reports. An explosive-laden vehicle drove into St. Rita's Catholic Church in the Malali area of Kaduna and detonated, ripping a hole in the wall and roof. One local hospital said Sunday it was treating 14 wounded, and another hospital was treating 84 victims. According to the BBC, "The vehicle had been stopped at the security gate outside the church. The driver initially reversed, but then careened straight through the church wall and detonated the bomb. Members of the choir are thought to be among the dead and injured." Kaduna, the dividing line between Nigeria's majority-Muslim north and majority-Christian south, has been targeted by the Islamic militant sect Boko Haram as the group fights to create an Islamic state and implement sharia (Islamic law). At least 2,800 people have died in fighting since Boko Haram's insurrection began in 2009.