Nigeria: Female Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 12 in Suspected Boko Haram Attack

Nigeria: Female Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 12 in Suspected Boko Haram Attack

A female suicide bomber reportedly attacked a cell phone marker in Azare, Bauchi State. Authorities believe the woman was associated with Boko Haram, though no group has claimed responsibility for the attack that killed at least 12 people. 

“I was near the market when I heard a loud sound inside. After a while we rushed to the scene of the blast. I saw lots of people in the ground and blood all over the place,” witness Ibrahim Ahmed said. 

"The severed head of the female suicide bomber was later found, and a crowd of boys took it to the front of the Emir's palace and set it on fire.”

Authorities reported a similar incident occurring at a Azare bank last week; that attack killed seven people. 

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has promised to defeat Boko Haram but the terrorist group continues to wreak havoc across the nation. 

Publication date: November 17, 2014