Nigeria: Fulani Herdsman Kill 10 Christians, Burn Pastor's Home

Nigeria: Fulani Herdsman Kill 10 Christians, Burn Pastor's Home

A Fulani herdsmen attack in Eastern Nigeria left 10 Christians dead and a pastor’s home burned to the group. Charisma News reports that a group of 100 Fulani Muslims herdsman stormed the Sabon Gida Shagogo village Dec. 17. 

Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs told Charisma news, "There was an attack in sort of the Eastern part of Nigeria. Allegedly a group of Fulani Muslim herdsmen came into a village, attacked a Christian village, burned the church, burned the home of the pastor and killed 10 people in the village. Sadly, it's just another day in Nigeria."

It is possible that Boko Haram could have been involved with the attack; some officials believe that some Fulani herdsmen are members of the terrorist organization. Nettleton said he does not think Boko Haram was a part of this attack due to the location; Boko Haram is concentrated in the Northeastern portion of Nigeria. 

According to Nettleton, some people have accused the Nigerian military of working with the Fulani herdsmen. 

"Apparently the military had been present in the village, sort of doing their rounds, monitoring the situation, guarding the village. They left, and within a very short time, 10-15 minutes, the attack began. So there's some allegations that the military was in sympathy with the attackers,” he said. 

Publication date: January 6, 2015