NYC Makes Morning-After Pill Available in 13 High Schools

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Sep 26, 2012
NYC Makes Morning-After Pill Available in 13 High Schools

The New York Department of Education is making the morning-after pill available to high school girls in 13 public schools, CBN News reports. The pilot program, called "Connecting Adolescents to Comprehensive Health" or "CATCH," allows girls as young as 14 to get the so-called Plan B pill -- which can cause abortions -- from Health Department doctors without parental consent. Parents will have to opt out of the program if they don't want their daughters to participate. The program has sparked protests from parents and others, with many saying the city is trying to take the parents' place. "What we're finding here is government trying to usurp the role of the parent," said city councilman Fernando Cabrera. Greg Pfundstein of the Chiaroscuro Foundation believes the program will just lead to more risky behavior, likely meaning more pregnancies and abortions: "You end up with actually more sexual behavior and you end up with higher-risk behavior and you end up with an increase in STDs," he said. "And you have no change in the number of pregnancies and no change in the number of abortions because people have actually changed their behavior based on their perception of risk."