Of 1,800 U.S. Abortion Clinics Only 1 Has ‘Abortion’ in Its Name

Of 1,800 U.S. Abortion Clinics Only 1 Has ‘Abortion’ in Its Name

Although the number of abortion clinics in the U.S. is decreasing, there are still 1,800 clinics remaining, and, perhaps not surprisingly, only one of these clinics includes the word “abortion” in its name.

Writing for The Christian Post, Jay Hobbs notes that these abortion clinics’ names point clearly to their wish to whitewash the gruesome nature of what they do.

Besides the one clinic in Oklahoma which is called the “Abortion Surgery Center,” other clinics have names such as “Emerg-A-Care Family & Medical Care” in Wyoming, “EMW Women’s Surgical Center” in Louisville, Kentucky, North Dakota’s “Red River Women’s Clinic, or Mississippi’s “Jackson Women’s Health Organization.”

On the other hand, despite airbrushing the names of their abortion centers, abortion advocates accuse pro-life pregnancy centers of mislabeling.

"We have a neighbor, a crisis pregnancy center, that changed their name to Women's Choice to confuse patients who intend to come here and end up in their doorway," said Sharon Lewis, the director of “Women’s Health Center of West Virginia,” the state’s last abortion clinic. "They have a marquee out front that says, 'Considering abortion? Free pregnancy test.'"

Hobbs notes that the pro-life clinic’s full name is actually “Woman's Choice Pregnancy Resource Center,” and that they do offer free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, as well as counseling for pregnant women.

Hobbs says Lewis also fails to note that the Woman's Choice Pregnancy Resource Center has been serving the community since 1977 and moved next door to Women’s Health Center of West Virginia in 2013.


Photo courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

Publication date: May 25, 2017