Online Petition Seeks to Drop 'Lucifer' TV Show Portraying Satan as Good

Online Petition Seeks to Drop 'Lucifer' TV Show Portraying Satan as Good

A group is urging Fox Network to cancel its plans to air a new TV show called “Lucifer.” The show portrays Satan becoming bored of life in hell and moving to Los Angeles to open an upscale night club, according to Christian Today

American Family Association’s One Million Moms group says that the show misrepresents the Bible, as Satan is depicted as charming and handsome. 

According to the petition, "The program previews mischaracterize Satan, departs from true biblical teachings about him, and inaccurately portrays the beliefs of the Christian faith. By choosing to air this show, Fox is disrespecting Christianity and mocking the Bible."

The petition also asserts its concern that "previews of the pilot episode depict graphic acts of violence, a nightclub featuring scantily-clad women and a demon."

The online petition has gathered almost 14,000 signatures so far. 

“Lucifer” is set to premiere in 2016. 

Publication date: June 2, 2015