Open Doors Names 2015 the Worst Year for Christian Persecution in Modern History

Open Doors Names 2015 the Worst Year for Christian Persecution in Modern History

Christian persecution is at an all-time high, according to Open Doors. The advocacy group released its most recent World Watch List, naming the 50 worst countries for Christians. According to the report, 2015 was the “worst year in modern history for Christian persecution.” 

Front Page Mag reports Muslims are most often responsible for persecution of Christians. Islamic extremism was the main source of persecution in 41 of the 50 countries from the Open Doors report. 

Nine of the top 10 countries on the World Watch List were Muslim majority. However, the worst country for Christian persecution in 2015 was North Korea. According to Front Page Mag, North Korea could be classified as “temporal and aberrant” persecution. Kim Jong-un’s regime is at the root of Christian persecution in the nation. 

Other countries that were listed in the top 10 for severe Christian persecution included Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Iran, Pakistan, Eritrea, and Nigeria. 

Publication date: March 7, 2016