Open Doors USA Requests Prayers for Syria in Wake of Possible U.S. Action

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Sep 12, 2013
Open Doors USA Requests Prayers for Syria in Wake of Possible U.S. Action

Open Doors USA is calling for urgent prayers this week as U.S. leaders meet to talk about a possible attack to punish Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad for allegedly using chemical weapons in the ongoing civil war. Open Doors president/CEO David Curry states: "Hidden in the noise of the current political environment is still an unrepresented issue in Syria -- the intentional and systematic persecution of Christians. We are calling Christians on all sides of the political debate to dedicate themselves to prayer for our fellow believers who are targeted for their faith. They've done nothing wrong ... only being bold enough to associate themselves as Jesus followers. Please pray earnestly for protection of their lives, families, businesses and freedoms. Without the support of Christians in the West these believers face even more danger; thousands are already refugees, prisoners, homeless and victims of kidnappings due to this systematic persecution. With the growing marginalization of Christian faith around the world, it is imperative that we unite in prayer." Open Doors lists a few prayer requests from churches inside Syria: Lasting peace; counseling for children who have been traumatized by violence; support for almost one-third of the Syrian population who are either refugees outside the country or homeless inside Syria; Christians to be a salt and light in their community even as civil war rages; and food, medicines and other relief materials get to those most in need. Open Doors also lists prayer requests from outside of Syria: Wisdom for U.S. political leaders debating whether to launch an attack; wisdom in decision-making for leaders from countries such as Iran and Russia; and jihadists from other countries to not continue to stream into Syria and spread even more havoc and violence.