Over 600 Christian Leaders to Meet Next Week to Discuss How to Help Persecuted Christians

Over 600 Christian Leaders to Meet Next Week to Discuss How to Help Persecuted Christians

A gathering of Christian leaders to discuss a strategy for helping persecuted Christians around the world is scheduled to take place May 10-13 in Washington D.C.

The World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians is an invite-only gathering that includes over 600 Christians leaders from 130 countries.


The event is sponsored by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and, according to Charisma News, has four stated purposes:

  1. Help change public policy that promotes discrimination against Christians, harassment and persecution

  2. Find ways to increase diplomatic pressure on the violating states

  3. Inform and mobilize Christians to address President Trump and their elected officials to take stronger American action against the increasing persecution

  4. Comfort and help the victims respond in a biblical manner.

Persecution of Christians has been increasing over the past year, according to research. The Pew Research Center reported that restrictions on religion were rated high or very high in 40 percent of countries worldwide.


The Rev. Franklin Graham, who is organizing the event, urged Christians to contact their elected officials and ask them to protect religious freedom.


"I want the politicians to see firsthand what's taking place. I want to put a big spotlight on the Christians around the world who are being persecuted, who are being tortured,” said Graham.



Photo courtesy: Thinkstockphotos.com


Publication date: May 4, 2017