Over 700 Christian Women Condemn Trump’s Sexist Comments

Over 700 Christian Women Condemn Trump’s Sexist Comments

Over 700 Christian women have signed a letter denouncing Donald Trump’s misogynistic comments.

According to The Huffington Post, the more than 700 Christian women leaders felt compelled to write and sign the letter to protest Trump’s sexually aggressive comments toward women, most recently seen in a video in which Trump talks about groping women and kissing them without their consent.

The letter not only condemns Trump’s comments, but calls out Christian leaders who have dismissed them.

“As Christian women we are appalled by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s recorded remarks that disparage women and condone sexual assault,” the letter reads. “We urge all religious leaders to preach, teach and help their communities heal from the twin sins of sexual violence and misogyny.” 

The movement was organized by Rev. Jennifer Butler, CEO of the faith-based advocacy group Faith In Public Life Action Fund, and has been signed by prominent evangelical women, including author Rachel Held Evans, Auburn Seminary’s Rev. Dr. Katharine Rhoades Henderson, Union Theological Seminary’s Dr. Serene Jones, and Chicago Theological Seminary’s Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite.

Thistlethwaite explained why she signed the letter:

“He ‘found Jesus’ just as he was being nominated as the Republican presidential candidate, and that’s only one example,” she told HuffPost in an email. “Given his sexually aggressive behavior toward women, in his own words, this is an insult to the Christian faith itself.”

Despite Trump’s comments, Christian leaders such as Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell Jr. have stood by him. 

“Christian leaders cannot condone such violent speech about women as a minor mistake or an innocent attempt to be ‘macho,’” the letter reads. “These excuses teach our young people that such language is acceptable and do further harm to those who have been abused.”


Publication date: October 14, 2016