Parents Sue School District after Daughter Receives Failing Grades for Refusing to Profess Islam

Parents Sue School District after Daughter Receives Failing Grades for Refusing to Profess Islam

The parents of an 11th grade student in Maryland are suing the Charles County school district after their daughter received failing grades for refusing to profess Islam in a world history assignment. 

Christian Today reports parents John Kevin and Melissa Wood say that their daughter was required to profess the five pillars of Islam for an assignment. She was also required to state the Muslim Shahada (“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”). 

When the student refused, she was given zeroes for multiple assignments. 

According to the lawsuit, the school district "required the students in the 11th grade World History class… to profess statements on the teachings and beliefs of Islam in written worksheets as graded homework assignments."

Kevin and Wood have accused the school district of Islamic indoctrination and propaganda. 

The lawsuit states, "Plaintiffs John and Melissa Wood objected to their minor child, C.W., being given religious instruction and being indoctrinated in Islam as part of her public high school education. Defendants never informed Plaintiffs of any 'opt-out' policy with regard to the World History course instruction in and promotion of Islam.” 

Publication date: February 1, 2016