Iranian Pastor Nadarkhani Still Alive Despite False Execution Rumors

  • Religion Today
  • Published Mar 28, 2012
Iranian Pastor Nadarkhani Still Alive Despite False Execution Rumors

March 29, 2012

The American Center for Law and Justice has confirmed that imprisoned Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani was still alive as of March 26. New false reports about Pastor Nadarkhani's execution continue to surface, but it is unknown whether those reports are originating from a misinformation campaign initiated by Iran or simply from uninformed sources. Many of the incorrect reports are being posted on blogs and social media sites along with an image of an Iranian man standing in front of a gallows with two armed, masked guards, but the image is not of Pastor Nadarkhani and has been circulating since at least July 2011. "These demonstratively false rumors about Pastor Youcef's death are detrimental to his freedom and potential release," the ACLJ said in a statement. "It also causes unnecessary anxiety for the family members awaiting his release and the millions of people who are praying for him around the world."